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Did you know . . .

. . . Malaysia has its own cat museum located in Kuching in East Malaysia? The museum, originally housed as an exhibition contains all sorts of cats, the displays ranging from cats made of wood, stone, porcelain, pewter or fabric through to posters, greetings cards and stamps. Man’s relationship with cats is traced through history .

The art and literature exhibits include reproductions of Old Masters which depicted cats right through to Louis Wain (1860-1939) and modern artists such as Zoe Stokes. Other areas are devoted to stories and illustrations of famous cat lovers and their cats: Dickens, Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt. One of the most popular exhibits is the one on Cats and Children which range from classic books and toys through to modern cartoons such as Top Cat and Tom & Jerry

Read about how "Kuching" got its name!

Source: Kuching, Malaysia, Cat Museum

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